
Kirby Ingles Professional Coaching Solutions

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Why I Walked Away from the Army After 26 Years

I’ve been reflecting on a pivotal moment—two years ago, I decided to leave the Army after 26 years of service. For many, it seemed like an odd move. After all, I was on track for another promotion and a solid finish to my military career. But for me, it was more than just about the next rank. It was about staying true to my values, even when the organization I loved shifted away from them. 💯 I recently shared this story with a close mentor, a fellow warrior, and a brother in Christ. He pushed...

Have you ever been in a moment where your body is screaming to quit, your mind is telling you to give up, and everything seems to be working against you? I’ve been there—many times. And the truth is, it’s in that exact moment when resilience is built or broken. I’ll never forget one particular ultra-trail marathon. The kind where your legs start to feel like they’re made of lead, and every step feels heavier than the last. I was deep into the race, exhausted, and seriously questioning whether...

a red leaf laying on top of a wooden bench

As Seed Gathering Season begins, it reminds me how essential it is to be intentional about where we gather the seeds we plant in our lives. In nature, communities gather seeds from the strongest trees and plants, ensuring they grow into something lasting and meaningful. But this concept applies to our personal and professional growth just as much as it does to nature. Take a moment and think about it. The Tree Council started Seed Gathering Season to encourage people to gather and plant the...

Hunter Grider and Kirby Ingles learning about leadership, legacy, sacrifice at National WWI Memorial Liberty Memorial in Kansas City.

There’s one place I keep returning to—the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City. Since 2012, I’ve visited it six times, and each visit has left a unique impression on me. Whether alone with my family or attending a veterans event, this monument symbolizes leadership, legacy, and sacrifice in my life. One of my favorite memories was taking my oldest son, Hunter, to the memorial. He’s turning 21 next month, and during that visit, we stood at the base of the monument overlooking Kansas City. As my...

man using MacBook inside dark room

I hope you’re doing well! The other day, I was thinking back to when I faced significant business challenges—things weren’t going as planned, and it felt like the pressure was mounting. This reminded me of the story of Joseph in the Bible, particularly how he navigated adversity with integrity and faith. In my latest blog post, I dive into how Joseph’s example of stewardship in adversity can transform how we manage our businesses. Whether you're facing challenging clients, financial strain,...

a man sitting at a desk talking on a cell phone

Hey Reader, Have you ever had a conflict at work that wouldn’t go away? Maybe it was a disagreement with a business partner, a misunderstanding with a team member, or a long-standing issue with a client. These moments can be challenging, and if you're like me, you might have ignored them, thinking they would eventually resolve themselves. But here’s the truth: unresolved conflicts only create deeper cracks. Let me share a quick story from my time in the military. In the Army, relationships...

man covering his face with both hands

Hey Reader, This September, as we observe National Suicide Awareness Month, I’m reminded of the silent battles many face—especially those of us who’ve served in the military. Whether it’s PTSD, TBI, or childhood trauma compounded by military experiences, mental health challenges often go unnoticed. But here’s the thing: As leaders, we can’t afford to look the other way. We have a duty to our people. Most employees spend more time at work than at home, meaning their mental health is our...

A group of goats walking down a road

Hey Reader, Do you know how some days in business feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill? I’ve been there. It reminds me of the story of Jacob in Genesis 30-32. Jacob worked for 14 years before he saw the results of his labor. There were no shortcuts, no quick wins—just faith, patience, and strategy. This hits home for me because so much of my own journey reflects that kind of perseverance. Story TimeWhen I started coaching, I had to choose between chasing short-term wins and building...

Dear Reader, As a retired Army combat veteran and former instructor for the Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Course for the Army, I’ve seen firsthand how stigma can be deadly, especially for male Military Sexual Trauma (MST) survivors. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among service members and veterans, and stigma from leaders plays a massive role in elevating that risk. Your role matters whether you’re still in the military or leading in the private sector....

Hey Reader, Life gets busy. Between work, family, and everything else on the to-do list, it’s easy to keep pushing forward without pausing. But here’s the thing—I recently took a step back, which changed everything. Last month, I attended a Soul Care retreat at Red Rock Guest Ranch in Kansas. Led by Sean West from CBMC Midwest, it wasn’t your typical retreat filled with meetings or workshops. Instead, it was about something we often overlook—solitude, silence, and prayer. It was a...