Why Every Leader Needs Solitude: My Journey at the Soul Care Retreat

Hey Reader,

Life gets busy. Between work, family, and everything else on the to-do list, it’s easy to keep pushing forward without pausing. But here’s the thing—I recently took a step back, which changed everything.

Last month, I attended a Soul Care retreat at Red Rock Guest Ranch in Kansas. Led by Sean West from CBMC Midwest, it wasn’t your typical retreat filled with meetings or workshops. Instead, it was about something we often overlook—solitude, silence, and prayer.

It was a game-changer for me. I found clarity in my leadership, relationships, and walk with God that I didn’t even realize I needed. Sometimes, the biggest growth happens when we simply pause and reflect.

👉 Curious to learn more about how solitude can transform your leadership? Click here to read my full reflection on the retreat.

Here’s why this matters for you:
Whether you’re a business leader, veteran, or balancing a million responsibilities, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the noise. But taking intentional quiet reflection is a powerful tool for realigning with your purpose and regaining clarity. It’s often the missing piece for so many of us.

Next steps:

  • Check out my blog post here to dive deeper into how this retreat transformed my approach to leadership.
  • Follow me on social media for more reflections and leadership insights.
  • Bonus: I’ll attend the next Soul Care retreat in January 2025. I’d love for you to join me. Let’s take the time to slow down together.

Let’s keep the conversation going!

How do you find time for quiet reflection in your life?

I’d love to hear about your experiences.

Looking forward to connecting,


Call to Action:
Read the full blog post here
Connect with me on LinkedIn
Listen to my podcast for more insights

P.S. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life, know that you’re not alone. Sometimes, breathing, reflecting, and realigning with your true purpose takes a little space.

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