The Key to Lasting Business Success: Reconciliation

Hey Reader,

Have you ever had a conflict at work that wouldn’t go away?

Maybe it was a disagreement with a business partner, a misunderstanding with a team member, or a long-standing issue with a client. These moments can be challenging, and if you're like me, you might have ignored them, thinking they would eventually resolve themselves. But here’s the truth: unresolved conflicts only create deeper cracks.

Let me share a quick story from my time in the military. In the Army, relationships were often transactional. The constant change, with people coming and going, made it easy to ignore conflicts. You'd think, “If I wait long enough, one of us will get new orders, and the problem will disappear.” However, I learned over time that these unresolved issues followed me, not just in the military but in my personal and professional life. And ignoring them only made things worse.

Fast-forward to today, and I've taken those lessons to heart. Instead of avoiding conflict, I now focus on reconciliation—on building trust and fostering forgiveness in my business relationships. When I made this shift, everything changed. I've found that if I listen rather than get defensive, we can come to a resolution, and those people become my most loyal partners.

The power of reconciliation in business is transformative. It turns a moment of conflict into an opportunity for growth, deepens relationships, and builds long-term success. I’ve applied this lesson to my leadership, my business, and my life, and I’m encouraging you to adopt it, too.

Here’s my challenge for you today:

Take a moment to reflect on any unresolved conflicts, whether in business or personal life.

How much are they affecting you?

Don't lie to yourself. It sucks time that you allow to fester in your mind and zaps your energy.

What would happen if you approached them with grace, humility, and a willingness to forgive?

Trust me, the results can be profound.


If you're ready to start building a business founded on trust and reconciliation, take the next step. Visit my latest post, where I share practical insights on how to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and success. Click here to read more.

Remember, true leadership isn't just about driving results. It's about building lasting relationships. Let’s take this journey together.

I am looking forward to hearing how reconciliation transforms your business and life.

Best regards,

Kirby Ingles

Kirby Ingles Professional Coaching Solutions

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